The Connects Hub allows the Scottish Borders Branch - Support Service, Care at Home and Housing Support a unique opportunity to access support in a variety of ways throughout the week, which can include day, evening, and weekends. 

The Hub has been designed and planned so that it maximises and enhances the experience for people we support and to meeting individual needs. This includes:

  • Block funding opportunities - 8.30am to 5.30pm
  • Early morning breakfast club - 7am to 8.30am 
  • Early evening club – 5.30pm to 8pm 
  • Weekend clubs
  • Social events 

Our Connects Hub offers

  • A safe and welcoming environment
  • Welcoming to people using the service, families, and other visitors
  • Promotes independence and encourages participation 
  • Flexible spaces – common areas and quiet areas 
  • Good high-quality furnishings and fittings 
  • A range of activities for fun and learning 
  • Health care equipment to meet the needs of people we support 
  • Meets all regulations for H&S, Infection, and prevention control
  • Local champions for H&S, Infection and prevention control, PBS, domestic colleagues  

The Hub has a range of opportunities we have developed, and we will continue to grow and develop.  

  • Training kitchen
  • Sensory Room 
  • Activity room 
  • Physio and therapy room 
  • Tech and multi - media room
  • Meeting areas
  • Common room 
  • Sensory garden 
  • Regular NHS Borders health care professionals  
  • Monthly ‘Tea and chatter’ events – open for everyone to attend
  • Fortnightly ‘Door open days’ (Friday afternoons 12-4pm) – open for everyone to attend
  • Taster events and short term activities  
  • On site leadership